• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

DORAs While Exploring

AO: the_castle
Q: Quaker
PAX: Fergie, Big Worm, Turnpike, Turncoat, Katniss, Quaker, Special K, Wham, Buc-ee, Wannabe, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Kamikaze
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, TTT, Arm Circles Fwd and Back, RTR, Overhead Clap, Seal Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: Mosey up Liberal Hill and down Kings Grant Drive to Retreat w/ some stops along the way.
-At Retreat partner up and begin the first DORA (40 Burpees, 80 Merkins, 120 LBCs). The other partner runs to the top of retreat hill and back down.
-Run to Ravenwing Court and do another DORA (100 Merkins, 100 Squats). The other partner bear crawls to the first driveway on the right and runs to the stop sign.
– Mosey back to COT with some stops along the way for random exercises.
– Finish with 10 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 10 Iron Cross, 20 SSH
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check #announcements, The Castle Christmas party is this weekend.
COT: Lord’s Prayer

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