• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Operation Bionic Ash

AO: stumble
Q: Serena
PAX: Ash (COMZ), Chewy, Easy Street, Jar Jar, Pipeline, Silent Bob, SweetTart, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), TomTom (3rd F), Teddy, Silver Bullet, Odyssey
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Getting to meetup, quality audible by BabyRuth to gather inside.
Pipeline, Teddy, SilverBullet, and Odyssey were all on site but in a different location. They were missed! This was Pipes idea, which was a great one!
THE THANG: Operation Bionic Ash, sending him off to surgery with lovely Jamison. Quick COT with Ash and Jamison. Ash won the Sumter Skyway segment, but Jamison was a close second and likely let him win given the day’s activities.
Routes ran as pax chose, very Amblesque which we were grateful to have Amble post with us!
ANNOUNCEMENTS/COT: Continied prayers for Ash and Jamison, LoveChild’s 2.0 and fundraising.
TomTom offered pax to go back to his place to shower. Driveby was intrigued given the historic building.
Mealtrain Opportunity:

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