AO: sawmill
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, The Beast
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Your normal stuff. I should just say Sawmill Warm-arama. SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles (F&B), ATAT, (Imperial Walkers for you non-nerds), Hillbillies, Don Quixote, TTT, Merkins, Big Boys, Flutters, LBC’s, Oil Derricks, Finkel swings.
THE THANG: Since FMJ opted out of a beatdown, YHC was left to lead himself in a suck-fest beatdown. First time in sawmill history that pax did all the exercises in PERFECT form. YHC didn’t have to call anybody out for sloppy rep’s. And the mumblechater was pleasantly minimal. F3 Deck delivered awful selection. But no one modified. Except one pax ( who I won’t name) claimed to break his toe. Something about an LP Tank incident. He refused to do any of the running challenges. Lame!
6:00 am EndEx
COT: Prayers for God gifts and our wisdom to use them to help the community.
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, The Beast
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Your normal stuff. I should just say Sawmill Warm-arama. SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles (F&B), ATAT, (Imperial Walkers for you non-nerds), Hillbillies, Don Quixote, TTT, Merkins, Big Boys, Flutters, LBC’s, Oil Derricks, Finkel swings.
THE THANG: Since FMJ opted out of a beatdown, YHC was left to lead himself in a suck-fest beatdown. First time in sawmill history that pax did all the exercises in PERFECT form. YHC didn’t have to call anybody out for sloppy rep’s. And the mumblechater was pleasantly minimal. F3 Deck delivered awful selection. But no one modified. Except one pax ( who I won’t name) claimed to break his toe. Something about an LP Tank incident. He refused to do any of the running challenges. Lame!
6:00 am EndEx
COT: Prayers for God gifts and our wisdom to use them to help the community.