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Where the #%*! are Sawmill Pax!🤔

AO: Sawmill
Q: Full Metal Jacket
PAX: Betty Crocker, Full Metal Jacket, Flapper, Goodspeed
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Typical stretches and exercises
THE THANG: -Grab a coupon and go to large field (approx 125 yds long); Nine cones w/tennis ball on top, fairly evenly laid out in a straight line the length of the field. Tennis balls have written exercise and reps.
-25 Bent-over rows w/coupon
-Mosey to 1st cone: 25 Jump Squats
-Mosey to 2nd cone: 100 SSHs
-Run back to coupon: 50 Chest Presses
-Mosey to 3rd cone: 40 Rosalitas (4-ct)
-Mosey to 4th cone: 25 Carolina Dry Docks
-Run back to coupon: 25 Pistons
-Mosey to 5th cone: 50 Merkins
-Mosey to 6th cone: 50 Flutters (4-ct)
-Run back to coupon: 25 Overhead Presses
-Mosey to 7th cone: 40 Mtn Climbers
-Mosey to 8th cone: 🤔
Mosey to 9th cone: 15 Burpees-25 Squats-15 Supermans
-Return to SP executing exercises at every other cone
MARY: Nope
COT:Prayed for our “No Show” Brothers!

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