AO: sawmill
Q: Flapper , Full Metal Jacket, Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Bush
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Rudder (WeaselShaker) led us in a vigorous warmup with LBACs, IWs, HBs, Merkins, Flutters, Gas Pumpers, TTT, WM, Squats, and Finkle Swings
Rudder (WeaselShaker) led us in the first segment that included moseying around the tennis court while pax did various exercises, bear crawl serpentines, lunge walking, dirty pickups, and wall sits.
Full Metal Jacket led us in the second second with 2 rounds of 5 card draw using the deck of death.
Flapper led the third and final segment with 2 rounds of tabata with 4 exercises for 45 sec and a 15 sec rest. Bonnie Blairs, Freddies, Peter Parkers, calf raises, Bonnie Blairs, box cutters, 8-count body builders, and calf raises
NE Convergence this Saturday. The Beast to confirm location (hopefully Sawmill). If so Rudder (WeaselShaker) is already signed up to Q so we are all set. Make it a good one!
Pray for those lost in the tragic bridge collapse in Maryland
Q: Flapper , Full Metal Jacket, Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Bush
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Rudder (WeaselShaker) led us in a vigorous warmup with LBACs, IWs, HBs, Merkins, Flutters, Gas Pumpers, TTT, WM, Squats, and Finkle Swings
Rudder (WeaselShaker) led us in the first segment that included moseying around the tennis court while pax did various exercises, bear crawl serpentines, lunge walking, dirty pickups, and wall sits.
Full Metal Jacket led us in the second second with 2 rounds of 5 card draw using the deck of death.
Flapper led the third and final segment with 2 rounds of tabata with 4 exercises for 45 sec and a 15 sec rest. Bonnie Blairs, Freddies, Peter Parkers, calf raises, Bonnie Blairs, box cutters, 8-count body builders, and calf raises
NE Convergence this Saturday. The Beast to confirm location (hopefully Sawmill). If so Rudder (WeaselShaker) is already signed up to Q so we are all set. Make it a good one!
Pray for those lost in the tragic bridge collapse in Maryland