• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Break in the Rain

AO: sawmill
Q: Valdez
PAX: Cottontail, Full Metal Jacket, Bush, Gepetto, Flapper
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Listen to the rain, hit snooze and then get out of bed anyway. Mosey to school. SSH, Imperial Walkers, LBACs, TTT, Squats, Merkins
THE THANG: Partner up and take advantage of the awnings (which weren’t needed because the rain gave us a break).
Partner 1 – AMRAP ex while Partner 2 ran (1st to flag pole and then to 2nd light pole)
Ex – Merkin, Squat, CDD, Lunge, Burpee, Flutter Kicks, Lunge, Big Boy
Mosey back to AO
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Summer time 5K’s available. Cottontail is going to storm Normandy.
COT: Be great today.

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