• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Arm Day

AO: sawmill
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto, Lemmy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: YHC was still at Graceland doing an encore Elvis. (Yep. It’s in the Lexicon) Thanks for leading, FMJ
THE THANG: Arm Day at Sawmill. Lots and lots of arm exercises. Most with bricks. And tons of Merkins. Everything in 3 minute intervals.
Devo: Mark 4. Check you soil conditions!!
COT:Continued prayers for Flapper’s dad, Bob, whose in and out of hospital. Prayers the doctors can come up with a good diagnosis and bring him to God‘s healing.
Apologies to Lemmy. It IS Sirius!! Betelgeuse just barely made the top 10!

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