• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Modification Monday

AO: ramble
Q: Bundy
PAX: QuickBooks, Garnish, Love Child, Frogger, Quaker, Cauliflower, Bootleg
FNGs: None
WARMUP: varying degrees of pre miles and shock of the seemingly unannounced storm.
THE THANG: Modified Monday.
Headed around and down to FivePoints. Got a brief explanation of “the great wall” (some are calling it the an amazing wall). Debate a turn around under a near by awning. Decide to forge ahead only to be greeted by what appeared to be a couple endless lightening strikes (turned around before it ended). On the return to the AO we put in hard efforts up Harden st hill, Hayward St. Hill, and the Ramble Finish Strong. All got at least 3 miles with up to maybe 5ish.
:alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : Crazy train is a comin round the bend.
COT: Prayer, thoughts, love and support to Churchkey, Family and friends.

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