• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

Core killer

AO: hammer
Q: Big Worm
PAX: Bindi, Darlene, Ratatouille, Wally
FNGs: None
WARMUP: arm circles, arm raises, frankensteins done while walking in the parking lot. 10 merkins, 90 ab exercises, 10 under the tunnels, 5 pull-ups
THE THANG: 4 sets with a mosey across the field and back after every set

First and third sets: 10 mountain climbers, one merkin- rinse and repeat for five total merkins and 50 mountain climbers. 20 lunges, and 60 or 70 ab reps.

Second and fourth sets: 10 burpees, 20 lunges, then about 70 or 80 ab exercises (Freddie mercuries, iron crosses)

Mosey to parking lot, 20 lunges. Then ladder: 4 heel raises, 40 heel tap LBCs; 8-36, 12-32. Spent the last minute doing heel raises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming holiday party, upcoming run.
COT: repairs to Wally’s house for good health for his family

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