• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

100’s of Everything

AO: battle
Q: Hawg
PAX: Adrian, Spot, Misfire, Big Worm, CESS, Ronda, Sergeant Slaughter
FNGs: None
20 ssh + 3 burpees
10 ssh + 3 burpees
10 ssh + 4 burpees
Football field
100 yard sprint variations+ 40 burpees
1 st 30 minutes
Battle loop & grab a sandbag
10 pullups x 2 = 20
10 overhead press
20 squat pulse
30 curls
40 Spot lbc’s
50 burpees
3 min. wall sit

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check slack
COT: Pray for Ronda and Syd.

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