• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

The Amble that Never Was

AO: amble
Q: BunkBed
PAX: SweetTart, Oscar
FNGs: None
YHC and SweetTart pre-gamed with several miles.
Chit-chat under the awning for a couple minutes, see several strikes of lightning then hop in our cars and go get some coffee! See Laces Out fly-by our location a couple times.

Somehow we lost Oscar en route.

The guy serving SweetTart his coffee :sparkles: really liked his name :sparkles:

Suddenly, the Good Reverend Doctor Snowflake appeared!

Topics included:
– The All Star Special Challenge and the insane times the-wall PAX ran
– Summer plans on where everyone is going
– The big Lutheran Conference in New Orleans is back!
– YHC trying to convince his boss to go to f3dads
– Bible Study, churches and church planting
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
1. 06-15-24 Launch of F3 Newberry Newberry HS
2. 06-24-24 Start of Crazy Train!
3. Stay tuned for a Nation wide 3rdF event!
:fistbump: and drive home soaking wet

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