Monica made an appearance at UL this AM. Good mix of proper form core, leg, and upper body exercises with some running. Appreciate the parking lot coffeteria from AB.
Conditions: mid 50s
The Thang:
Disclaimer, BOM
Mosey around parking lot to get blood flowing
- SSH x 10 IC
- Hillbillies x 10 IC
- IW x 10 IC
- TTT x 10 IC
- Michael Phelps x 10 IC
Mosey to top of parking garage
Monica: 3 exercises, 7 reps each, 7 minutes
Round 1
- Tysons, Squat Jumps, Mt Climbers (2-ct)
- Run to other end and perform same
- R & R for 7 minutes
Mosey to the lawn
Round 2
- Plank Jack Merkins, Squats, Shoulder Taps
- Take a lap
- R & R for 7 minutes
Mosey to amphitheater
Round 3
- Bulgarian Split Squats (7 each leg), Incline merkins, Plank Jacks
- Run down steps and perform same exercises
- R & R for 7 minutes
Round 4
- Tricep dips, Box jumps, LBCs
- Run up steps and repeat same exercises
- R & R for 7 min
Mosey back to VSF
Devo: Luke 6:42
Prayer Requests:
- SnB and family
- Sarah Harmon
- Columbo’s family
- H4T
- Ashley Roberts
- Blue Bloods’ nephew
- 3/16 LRAH
- 4/29 – 5/11 The Gauntlet