10 years ago today, YHC and soon-to-be-named Good Hands trekked across the dam for our #FirstBell at Depot. It was 28 degrees and we were ill-prepared for the weather and the beatdown. Ten years later, he were are, much better physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you commit to it, this F3 thing really works.
YHC did not anticipate the number of pax that posted at Shawshank this AM. That many of you traveled from your home AOs to support this occasion means the world. Even though YHC had to alter the original plan (it’s hard for that many pax to move as a group), here’s hoping the workout was good enough. We certainly hit our shoulders, chest, core, and legs with plenty of reps to get a little better.
Thank you for all of the accountability, prayers, love, fellowship, and support these last 10 years.
Here’s to 10 more…
Conditions: 47 degrees
The Thang:
Disclaimer, BOM
Warm up mosey to big soccer field
- SSH x 10 IC
- IW x 10 IC
- TTT x 10 IC
- Michael Phelps x 10 IC
Line up at concrete – 5 cones set up across long field about 25 yards apart
At each cone:
- Merkins x 20
- LBCs x 20
- Squats x 20
- Total = 100 reps of each
Return trip – at each cone:
- Plank Jack Merkins x 10
- BBSU x 10
- Squat Jumps x 10
- Total = 50 reps of each
Follow me to parking lot and line up at curb
- Curb 1: Tyson Merkins x 10
- Lunge-Lunge-Squat-Squat to next curb
- Curb 2: Left hand on curb, Merkins x 10
- Bear crawl on grass to next curb
- Curb 3: Right hand on curb, Merkins x 10
- Lung-Lunge-Squat-Squat to next curb
- Curb 4: Incline merkins x 10
- R&R back to start
- Total various merkins: 80
Line up at curb
- Curb 1: Tricep Dips x 10
- Run to curb 2
- Curb 2: Toe Taps x 10 each leg
- R&R for 5 minutes
Line up at curb
- Curb 1: Diamond Merkins x 5
- Run to curb 2
- Curb 2: Slow Mt Climbers x 10 (2-ct)
- R&R for 5 minutes
Back to the flag
Everyone has seen Charlie Brown’s Christmas, I’m sure. Brief summary, Charlie Brown is directing the school Christmas play, he grows increasingly frustrated that no one seems to know what Christmas is all about. Linus then steps up to recite Luke 2:8-14.
“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
If you know Linus, he’s known for always clutching his security blanket. Peanuts creator Charles Schulz does something very intentional during this scene. Just as Linus says “do not be afraid” he drops his blanket. Go back and watch it.
Here’s what Schulz was telling us:
-No matter how insecure or fearful we are, our Savior wants us to give it to Him.
We all have a blanket, something worldly we cling to to make us feel better. The 1st step is to admit to ourselves what that is. Step 2 is to give it to God.
I’ll close with:
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Prayer Requests:
- Ashley Roberts
- Ernie’s Dad
- Cheers’ FIL
- H4T
- Shade’s friend’a mom with breast cancer
- Sarah Harmon
- Jesse Harmon
- Good Hands’ family and BIL
- Hopper’s MIL
- AB’s sister
- Nettie Brunson
- 1/1 New Years Day Convergence at SnakePit, 7am start
- 1/27 Be the Buffalo 5K. Register here: https://runsignup.com/Race/Events/SC/Lexington/BetheBuffaloMemorialRunforDigitsandNeedle
- 2/17 Dam to Dam. Get with Shawshank pax. Need 2 to complete a 6-man team