• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

BunkBed’s Family Friendly Loops

AO: stride
Q: BunkBed
PAX: BunkBed, Cowbell, Paper Jam, Chester, Cardi B
FNGs: None
YHC went exploring to hit some streets that he hasn’t run yet, but sadly bit off more than he could chew and was late giving instructions at COT. 😕
Lot’s of hills running through YHC’s neighborhood and adjacent neighborhood. Paper Jam told me to remind him to never run those hills again. Cowbell was blessed with good fortune with the laundromat bathroom open, Cardi B got lost in Woodcreek, Paper Jam didn’t understand what I meant by a Stride elevator pitch due to traffic and Chester turned back around after he hit Whispering Winds.

YHC believes the hills scared the PAX away.
03-09-24 F3 Lex 10 year
03-16-24 LRAH
04-??-24 stride 10 year
Prayers for PAX and families dealing with cancer and for Lindsay’s improving blood pressure.

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