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Grab Your (medicine) Balls and Run

AO: the_castle
Q: Selfie
PAX: Mimosa, Kamikaze, Turncoat, Turnpike, Special K, Wannabe, Wham, Selfie
FNGs: None
Through The Tunnel
Imperial Walkers
Slow-fast merkins
Calf stretch
Plank Jacks
Little Baby Arm Circles
You thought running with bricks sucked, well try running with a medicine ball! Grab your ball and run up to the 4-way for 10 ball slams, 10 chest press. Run to Braddock, Castle Hall and Cotton Hope, 10 slams, 10 chest presses at each stop. At cotton hope add alternating merkins with one hand on ball – 10 each arm, 10 squats, 10 triceps.
Leave the ball and run up Davant. At the top stop for some ab work. Back down to cotton hope for some more ball work. Then run back to the AO stopping along the way for more slams and chest presses.
Try the oyster restaurant in the vista across from the old fire tower, they have new ownership.

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