• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Memorial Day/Bull 10-Year/Runvergence Edition of Raging Bulls, Bullseyes, and Bull Rides

AO: the_bull
Q: Prodigal
PAX: Teddy, Pipeline, Swingline, Garnish, Gaston, Bidet, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Quaker, Fallout, SweetTart, Fountainhead, BunkBed, Butters, Spot, Serena, Collar, Silent Bob, Prodigal, DriveBy, Tarek, TapeWorm, Quartermaster, Silver Bullet, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Churchkey, Christopher Childers (F3 Satchel), Ronaldo, Paper Jam
FNGs: None
WARMUP: For many (0500 Club, Churchkey, TapeWorm, BunkBed, Christopher Childers (F3 Satchel))
THE THANG: Gather at the corner of Blossom and Bull Streets. Run to the top of the Bull Street hill stopping at Devine Street. Hang a left and enter the first of three garage stairwells. Climb to the top and complete 20 merkins. Descend down the same stairwell stopping at the base to complete 20 LBC’s. Continue down the Bull Street hill stopping at the 2nd garage stairwell. Up and down with 20 merkins at the top and 20 LBC’s at the bottom. Continue down the Bull Street hill stopping at the 3rd and lowest garage stairwell. Climb up and down with 20 merkins at the top and 20 LBC’s at the bottom. Continue down to the base of the Bull Street hill rounding the power pole. That’s 1 rep. Rinse & Repeat for 45-minutes completing AMRAP. With each new rep one merkin and LBC is removed (20, 20, 20; 19, 19, 19; 18, 18, 18; etc.).

The Bullseye: run up Bull, down Pickens, up Henderson, down Pickens, back to start.

The Raging Bull alternates one lap of The Bull and one lap of the Bullseye if you can’t make up your mind.

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Scramble AOQ handoff Friday, July 4th 20-miler with F3-Stride, D2D Registration in September
COT: Prayers for Quartermaster’s transition to NoVA, F3-Mission PAX in their 5k, remembering and being grateful for the “many costly sacrifices laid on the altar of freedom” so that we can enjoy living in this awesome country. :us:

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