• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

That Was Fun!

AO: battle
Q: Misfire
PAX: Big Worm, CESS, Misfire, Sergeant Slaughter, Spot, Ronda, Fountainhead
FNGs: None

Mosey to field. SSH 5ct with 5 inch worm merkins


1st round of 4 corners
– run around football field with 15-10-15-10 merkins for 50 total
50 LBCs

2nd round of 4 corners
– gets us 50 more merkins
50 LBCs

3rd round of 4 corners
– gets us 50 more merkins
50 LBCs

4th round of 4 corners
– gets us 50 more merkins
50 LBCs
Abs on fire!

BLIMPS for 100 yards
– 5 burpees
– 25 yard lunge walk
– 10 imperial walkers in place
– 20 merkins
– 10 low plank jacks
– 10 squats
Rinse and repeat X 3 to get to end of field
Gets us another 100 merkins
50 LBCs

2nd round of BLIMPS #crowdpleaser
Gets us another 100 merkins
Legs toast
50 LBCs

Mosey to gym steps
Calf mountain 1-18 up stairs
Now legs really bad off

Mosey to hill behind school
Run half way up
10 merkins
Run to top
10 merkins
Run back to bottom
Rinse and repeat x 4
Gets us another 100 merkins

Some knuckleheads did 50 more merkins on the way back to COT

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Memorial Day Bull

COT: :ballot_box_with_check:

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