• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Kentucky Derby

AO: score
Q: Eric Gluse
PAX: Charley (f3Pele), Lumen, Ball Boy, Spool, Nails, Ripcord, Crawlspace, Ginsu
FNGs: None
THE THANG:Neighborhood tour, went left to Hollywood Squares, then Betty, but then Rivet took us across Devine to Earthfare and on down the line. Sort of a backwards OBC journey to Zoller Hill. Pain stations along the way! Plenty of squats, ab work, merkins and Rivets specialty, Fonda Jane’s! Swingline stopped by and picked up a bunch of shoes!
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Today is Thursday!
COT: Prayers for Sled! 100% participation at Starbucks where Rivet shared his experience at the Kentucky Derby and some profitable betting! Good thing Ray Charles phone wasn’t there to hear all that! Thanks for coffee Rivet.

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