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Back to basics

AO: valhalla
Q: Fenway
PAX: Baconator, Fenway, Two Gloves
FNGs: None
WARMUP: plank walkout, high knees, squat jump, windmill, Michael Phelps, squat to hip opener, Hill Billies, side straddle hop, through the tunnel, baby arm circles, seal claps, arm raise, Imperial Walkers.
THE THANG: Big Boys, incline/decline merkins, karaoke, gorilla shuffle, oblique stretch, hollow rock, Merkin knee tap, plank twist, reverse crunch, mountain climber twist
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS Murph @ Sandlot Memorial Day, Prowl and coffeeteria Friday @ Sandlot:alert: :
COT: Husbands, Love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her
Ephesians 5:25
Today let’s honor the sacredness of marriage. May we embrace the call to love and serve our spouse, imitating Christ’s selfless love. Let’s cultivate a spirit of humility, understanding, and compassion in our relationships. May our marriages reflect God’s love and faithfulness, bringing glory to him and serving as a beacon of hope in a broken world.

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