• When: 2024-05-23
  • QIC: Hash and Rice
  • The PAX: Mungo, Coon Dog, Duff, Shine, Shades of Grey, Lego, Revere, Soaker, Love Shack

45 and it feels so good

In a couple days I will be 45 so i am just as close to 60 as I am 30. The pax showed some love with the usual mumble chatter and flatulence sounds. I am truly thankful for this group even with all of their gasses. YHC was excited to start the day off with this group of awesome men.

Weather: A humid 71 degrees



Mosey to block pile to grab our ticket to the BIRTHDAY PARY!!

  • 15x IWs IC
  • 25x OHC IC
  • 10x Michael Phelps IC

The Thang:


Curls for the Girls x 45

Squats x 45

LBC x 45

Sprint to midfield and return

Plank and wait on the six


Merkins x 45

Alt. Lunges x 45

Freddy Merc’s (2 ct.) x 45

Sprint to midfield and return

Plank and wait on the six


Chest Press x 45

Calf Raises x 45

Heel Touches (2 ct.) x 45

Sprint to midfield and return

Plank and wait on the six


Plank and wait on the six

Grab tickets and head to parking lot for:

Jumbo Flutter Kicks x 45 (IC)

Lift blocks overhead for Indian run back to block pile to return blocks

mosey to shed for balls to the wall for 1 min (flatulence cut our min short)

People’s Chair for 2 mins



Thirsty Thursday



Harmon Family

Breaker Breaker




Never forget the sacrifices made to for freedom and this country

SGT Luther Rabon and SSG Willie Harley

Memorial Day

  1. John 15:13 – “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
  2. Romans 12:1 – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

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