• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

FOG (4 old guys) workout

AO: score
Q: Spool
PAX: Crawlspace, Prenup, Sled, Spool
FNGs: None
WARMUP: The usual PB&J, LBAC optional Prenup, little “gate” stretching with additional modification from Sled’s 2.0!

THE THANG: Little campus workout. Stretch in the parking lot and then off to the courtyard for some bench exercises.
Wall sit with OHO IC
Gas pumpers IC
Seated freedom twists IC
Dips IC
Seated “imperial walkers” IC
Inclined merkins IC
Slow squats IC
Mosey down the yellow brick road and back.
Rinse and repeat


COT: pray for safe return of those traveling for the holiday and long weekend!
Full attendance for breakfast at EUG.

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