• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Dos Amigos

AO: sandlot
Q: Ruby
PAX: Bayou, Ruby
FNGs: None
The usual – SSHs, TTTs, IWs, Abe Vigodas, HBs x 15 each
LBACs – forward and backwards x 10 each, OHPs and Seal claps x 10 each

Impromptu Q so we just winged it
Multiple rounds of 4 exercises
Started with a burpee variation – 5 reps
Then rotated various excercises with a coupon (overhead press, block swings, curls for girls, goblet squats bent over rows, some core variation – rep ranges from 10 to 20. Also threw in some lunges and merkins. Moseyed around parking lot between rounds.

Spartan Deka events on the horizon – be on the lookout for more info
Workout this Sat at The Castle (Westwood HS).

Proverbs 27:17. As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.

That’s what we do for each other being involved with F3.

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