• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Chilly Tuesday Dealers Choice

AO: Sandlot
Q: Ruby, Coin Flip, Fenway, Two Gloves
PAX: Coin Flip, Fenway, Ruby, Two Gloves, Honey Do
FNGs: None
SSHs x 15, IWs x 15, Hillbillies x 15, TTHs x 15, Abe Vigodas x 15, LBACs – backward x 10, forward x 10, arm flutters x 10, overhead press x 10

Groups of exercises led by different pax – 2 rounds each
1) Block swings x 15
Overhead press w/ block x 15
5 – 10 step Navy Seal Burpees
2) 50 chest press
15 goblet squats
15 iron cross
3) 30 bent over rows
15 curls for girls
15 flutter kicks in cadence
4) Merkins for 1 min
Plank for 1 min
5) Rocky balboas for 1 min
Air squat/people’s chair for 1 min
6)lap around parking lot then 20 big boys followed by another lap and 15 big boys
Valhalla convergence last Sat of month – 3/25
Isiah 41:10 “So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Prayers for Bayou’s M to recover quickly from surgery.

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