• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Pre-Blast: THE QUAD Sat 9/12 CSAUP

Pre Blast: THE QUAD

Florence has a small following creating our version of #TheStandard It is triple down consisting of 0415 Murph workout, 0500 Ruck with weighted coupons, and our typical 0700 Bootcamp on Saturdays. Our very own Marv created this madness in his quest to participate in GORUCK Selection in 2016….and thus brought the pax out to train with him.

To up the CSAUP, some joking quickly turned into the creation of THE QUAD (from the triple down). It will consist of:

12 am: PT standards for 2 min push-ups and 2 min sit-ups followed by AT LEAST a 12 mile ruck in under 3.5 hours. This was the old GORUCK HEAVY Standard

We will do 9 push-ups and 11 BBS every mile

4 am: We take a break from rucking to do the Murph workout.

5 am: We continue to ruck with heavy coupons stopping to do 2011 reps of anything and everything

7 am: Saturday bootcamp

So think GORUCK simulation type physical activity from 12 am to 8am. Darkness, PT, rucking with coupons, more PT, Florence CSAUP.  Of course none of this is carved in stone and we can alter exercises and routes at the will of the pax to up the suck.  We’ve got all night!


We will do this Saturday 9/12 12 am to pay respects for 9/11. Many of you will be participating in GORUCK events but for those that can’t, we invite you to do THE QUAD with us. Not only will it be great training, it will be great fellowship.


Eddie Vergara “Uhaul” [email protected]   if you are interested in joining us.

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