With off-campus work handled earlier in the week, including the infamous Butler Hill beatdown on Tuesday and multiple running groups during the week, YHC elected to keep the Pax on site for a heavy dose of field work blended with blocks. With football season approaching, the pax took advantage of the marked fields at Brickpile. Gameday is just around the corner…
Conditions: Mid-70’s and Humid – a typical August day in the Sweatshop aka Cola
The Thang:
Burpees X10 IC (not a smooth start for YHC – cadence for burpees is a nogo)
Squats X25 IC
Merkins X20 IC
Flutters X40 IC
Carolina Drydock X20 IC
Mosey to brickpile for blocks – carry overhead 100 yds to small lined field (40 yd mini-field)
Lunge walk w block X field – leave block and sprint back
Bear crawl X field – plankorama on block (90 seconds – regular and single arm rotation)
Block jump – AMRAP 60 seconds
Curls X25 IC
BB sit-ups X20 OYO
Block press X20 IC
Iron Dolly X20 IC (Iron cross to hello dolly in each count)
Lunge walk X field w block – plankorama (60 seconds – regular and arm rotation)
Crab walk X field (#crowdpleaser) – sprint back
Decline Merkins X10 IC
Carry block to Great Wall
People’s Chair w blocks – front & overhead – 90 seconds
Rinse & Repeat for 3X total – legs were burning at this point
Blocks overhead back to brickpile
Incline Merkins X10 IC
Curls X25 IC
BB sit-ups X25 OYO
Flutters X30 IC
Close out with Merkin Trio – Diamond, Regular & Wide-arm (X5 each IC)
Well done by the Pax – YHC was smoked…
Hurricane Ruck in Camden 9/19 – connect with Fog or Bigtime
Mud-run signups in process
Robber is doing great work with Mission – continue to support
New AO The Spur kicks off this Saturday at fields by The Blatt – 6:50 AM
Convergence at Woodshed next Saturday 8/29 for Anniversary AO
BOM & Devotional led by Logo – nicely done