20 men appeared in the Thunder gloom yesterday morning ready for work and ready to help F3 Columbia hit 150 pax posting on the same morning (we hit 160…boom). The men of Thunder did their part on both fronts and men got better. (Side note: YHC is usually a same day backblast kinda guy but was informed just before walking out the door to work yesterday morning that his finished basement was covered in raw sewage…soooooo…yesterday was spent dealing with City of Columbia, plumbers and expensive cleanup. A backblast would have been a treat but #cobains all the same.)
Conditions: 72 and humid.
Mosey from COT halfway around the track to the Duncan Street side of the field.
SSH x 25
Merkins x 10
Squats x 15
Wide-Arm Merkins x 10 while a stray pax wonders in.
21-15-9 10 Minute AMRAP #1:
From the track run across the field to the concrete benches.
21 merkins
15 squats
9 burpee box jumps onto benches
Run back to Duncan side of the field and do the same work on the track (except substitute burpee star jumpers for burpee box jumps)
10 minutes continuous as fast as possible.
1 minute rest while pax reassemble and round 2 explanation is given.
21-15-9 10 Minute AMRAP #2:
From the track run across the field to the concrete benches.
21 big boy sit-ups (no #seesawlegs)
15 russian twists (count one side only)
9 v-ups
Run back to Duncan side of the field and do the same work on the track
10 minutes continuous as fast as possible.
1 minute rest while pax reassemble and round 3 explanation is given.
21-15-9 10 Minute AMRAP #3:
From the track run across the field to the concrete benches.
21 lunges (count both legs)
15 squat jumps (hang arm between legs and touch the ground before jumping)
9 box jumps onto benches
Run back to Duncan side of the field and do the same work on the track (except substitute burpees for box jumps)
10 minutes continuous as fast as possible.
No rest. Mosey to COP for Mary:
Flutter kicks x 100
Low Plank x 60 seconds.
Mosey to COT
BOM led by YHC
Devotion led by YHC
– Nice work by the men of Thunder. The work was copious and the #mumblechatter was limited – just like YHC likes it. Thunder men work too hard to talk. Oxygen was at a premium.
– Kotters to several guys who haven’t been regulars. We’ve missed you and we’re happy you’re back. Keep coming back.
– F3 #theSpur launches TOMORROW, Saturday morning at 7:00 at the Blatt PE Center field (Wheat St. near Sumter).
– #Woodshed 1-year anniversary #convergence is Saturday, 8/29 at the shed.
– Fall Mud Run is lurking…just over two months out now. Sign ups are open. Sign up here and then form your team: SIGN UP
– Lots of opportunities to get involved with leadership this fall. Vacation season is coming to a close and it’s time to buckle back down.