Conditions: 70, slight breeze and cloudy with a touch of humidity
The Thang:
11 pax posted for a route that YHC got reprimanded for sending as a screen shot embedded in a Tweet. Huffy promised a technology tutorial until he learned YHC was Mac-based. Then the cards were off the table.
Begin run from Shandon Presbyterian Church up Devine, turn on Bonham. Down Bonham to Blossom. Blossom to Woodrow. Woodrow to Wheat. Wheat to Ott. Ott to Monroe. Monroe to Woodrow. Woodrow to Devine. MapMyRun called it 4.03. Strava credited YHC with 3.9. Somebody’s lying . . .
COT: Announcements included BRR tapering for those already committed, trained up and poised to kick some butt. [One in the crowd (no names here) was fathoming the responsibility of stepping into the gap unfortunately made by an injured brother on the Cola9 team.] Other announcements included the opportunities Labor Day weekend will offer including the Bull on Fire, Qued by brothers who run into burning buildings while others are running out. All are encouraged to participate.
BOM : Lead by YHC
A rare school-day coffeeteria followed at St. Arbucks of Five Points.