Rarely does an AO make a request of a visiting Q… but that doesn’t keep YHC from continuing to ask just because sometimes you get some funny answers. McLovin (Yes, he’s to blame), upon being asked that question, responded “180 Proof #DRP”. Looking for something new, this Q took that as a challenge. #TheThang below is the result. It sucked.
Conditions: A moist 74 Degrees
Mosey over to the court for a little warmup consisting of:
- SSH X 30, 4CT IC
- Plank (Disclaimer) and then Mercans X 10, 4CT IC
- LBC’s X 30 4CT IC
- Burpees X 10 OYO
With that out of the way and the pax in high spirits, we proceeded to Emily Douglas, breezing past the mess made by yesterdays storm and down to the undercroft where masonry is stored. Each guy grabbing a block, we proceeded out the back of the park to the corner of Queen and Blossom where the pax were introduced to 180 PROOF.
First, Queen Street up to Devine is a bit uphill. So there’s that. It was sprinted, up and back, between rounds of the following circuit:
- 30 Mercans, Single Count, OYO
- 30 Russian Twists, Count One Side, OYO
- 15 Overhead Presses with the block you picked
- 15 Otis-Ups, again, with the block selected. (See below for an Otis-Up… aka Rafiki’s)
- 30 Flutter Kicks, Count One Leg, OYO
Spell it out and you have Pushups, Russians, OH Presses, Otis-Ups and Flutters… P R O O F. Now do 180 of them all. Six rounds, of 30 Mercans, Russian Twists and Flutter Kicks with a miserable pairing of 30 (combined) Overhead Presses and Otis-Ups squeezed in the middle. That plus the sprints up Queen Street and you’ve got yourself a #DRP as requested.
Once everyone was thoroughly spent, the blocks were returned to Emily’s Undercroft (claiming royalties on that one) and we did a little ab work while the pax slowly assembled… to include:
- 6″ and some Protractor which, after all the core work on Queen, was something of a #CrowdPleaser
- Big Boy Situps X 30, OYO
Then a quick mosey up the amphitheater back to the COT to round out the morning.
COT & BOM with a Devo by Spot. God’s glass for you is always full. It’s our expectations that are often wrong. We have, already, every blessing in Christ.
- An Otis-Up is a situp block press. Lying on your back with a block on your chest, situp and press lifting the CMU vertically as high as you can reach it from a seated position. While I presume it gets its name from the elevator of the same name (Otis Elevators… vertical weight lift) there was a Lion King reference bandied about. The scene where Rafiki, the medicine man monkey, hoists Simba, the child version of the main character, up and holds him out over the assembled wildlife. Otis-Ups are a lot like that… but the block weighs more. Hence, a fair name for the addition to your workout arsenal would be “Rafiki’s”.
- Welcome to Thunders newest FNG! “Hurl”… named for, well, that’s kind of obvious, pushed through a solid 45 minute beatdown. No shame in spilling merlot when it’s earned. There’s a growing group of guys named for their body’s initial shock to an F3 workout (which, for clarification, does not include YHC… yet).
- Thunder blocks are diabolical little suckers. I swear I picked one during a circuit that weighed more than Paperboy.
- Yet to be named Mission run group, Wednesdays and Fridays doing a couch to 10K plan in training for the MudRun.
- The #BullOnFire is going to be BadA$$. Who wants to be a fireman? I do. (On a side note, Flamer is shipping out to Army Basic. Keep him in your prayers)
- Labor Day 5 Miler. Sign up by AO and prove Thunder’s got the fastest guys around.
- Hurricane Hike is coming too… $10 for a 10K, BBQ and you get to carry heavy stuff.