• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Kline Street Loop Speedwork

AO: 0500_club
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Quaker, Lobstah, SweetTart, Easy Street, Fallout
FNGs: None
YHC’s first non Friday post in downtown since the birth of the 2.0! Timing worked out perfectly. Hoping to make more 0500_club posts in the future.
1 mi warm-up from the AO around the loop
25 mins of 5k pace or faster on Kline and Murray with off pace on Daly and Maiden
PAX came out of the gate swinging, with Quaker and SweetTart initiating a foot race on the first run down Kline. After the first loop the PAX settled into their paces and held on for dear life.
1 mi cool down from the corner of Maiden and Kline to the flag. Mild complaints about the cool down taking us further from the AO.
02-23-2024 Runvergence at ramble
02-24-2024 www.strictlyrunning.com/images/24_RaceforPlaceFlyer_3.pdf
03-02-2024 dawnstrike AOQ handoff
03-09-2024 F3 Lex 10yr
03-16-2024 lrah.org/
04-??-2024 Stride 10 Yr
05-18-2024 www.strictlyrunning.com/images/24_FrontlinesForwardFlyer.png
Prayers for the women hit at Crestwood, professor at CIU, Brianna, YHC’s M

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