Month: August 2022

BunkBed comes for the Double Down

AO: Scorepile FNGs: None COUNT: 9 THE THANG: Dealer’s Choice all and every Saturday Rotation was Nails ->Schweddy->BunkBed->Stent->Ripcord->Trademark->Crawl Space->Ball Boy repeat Nails: SSH, Arm Circles Schweddy: Squats BunkBed: Hip Openers, Ray Charles, Merkins Stent: Abs Ripcord: grab various blocks, curls, overhead press and tricep extension Trademark: Ukrainian Freedom twist Crawl Space: Progression. 4 BBS and …

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Zudzu Ruck

AO: Kudzu FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: It’s a ruck. So…it is it’s own warmup. THE THANG: Rucked (with weight) 4 miles with various topics of conversation. Educational (wink wink) Lottery, Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, Jet Skis at night, Increasing our relationship with Rec Commission. MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:prayers to increase our gratitude for God-given …

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But the downhill, though…

AO: Ramble FNGs: None COUNT: 14WARMUP: Route description and shit talk THE THANG: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Oct. 8 10 yr F3 Anniversary. Cold Brew Half date set COT: BOM thankful for this group of men and their support and leadership

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