• When: 2023-05-16
  • QIC: Soaker
  • The PAX: Doo Dah (R), Good Hands, Duff, Garth (R), Cheers, Coon Dog, Hash & Rice, Love Shack, Breakfast Club, Buzz Saw (R), Soaker (R)

Poles Instead of Blocks

11 pax posted for BC and 6 hit the streets early for SL. A new course record for the Pickler was set, sweat marks were earned, and life was good. 

YHC spent some time planning the perfect Q. It was going to be great, it was going to be amazing. Pax would speak of it in hallowed terms for years to come. Sleep was hard to come by due to the excitement. Finally, the alarm went off, shoes were tied, and YHC headed out the door for FSL. What a glorious morning.

We returned from our jaunt in a timely manner.

1 minute warning, half-hearted disclaimer, opening prayer.

Mosey toward the block pile as the flag was being planted. Uh-oh…blocks have been destroyed. Bits and pieces of betterment were scattered in the trees and just like that, the perfect Q was shattered as well. 

That being said, having no blocks would not deter this group of men from getting better, but a little sprinkler would. Please let us move, please let us go over there, please no burpees…it sounded like a snowflake convention. Not surprisingly, the loudest whining came from our resident millennial. Maybe YHC is getting old and crotchety, but pansies were in full bloom until the Q was changed.

SSH x 25 IC, LBAC x 10 IC (forward and backward), 25 OH clap IC.

The request for no burpees was loud and clear. I may be old and crotchety, but I do have an ounce of compassion left in me. No burpees today. Here is how it went down.


Big Pole Suicides

Pole 1 – 5 hurpees (hand release burpee)

Every other pole – 15 merkins, 15 squats, 15 (2ct) Freddy Mercury’s

Total count – 25 hurpees, 375 merkins, 375 squats, 375 Freddy Mercury’s

Recover and head back to the shelter for 75 dips.

Recover to the flag.


Shawshank pool party

Something else

Prayer Requests:

Cheers / Ashley

Garth / Janet


LHS kid killed in accident – pray for family

Family / Country

Close in prayer – thanks to Duff for being the only one to bring it in.

Devo: I Peter 5:7 – Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.  Awesome verse when life throws you a curve ball. We don’t know what others are dealing with, but the Father does. 

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