• When: 01/01/15
  • QIC: Bulldog & Co-Qs
  • The PAX: Lexington pax and FNGs with 1stF resolutions

New Years Day Convergence: Bring A Buddy

2014 was an amazing year for F3 in Lexington. We had the Big Bang on March 1 where 103 men posted to #getbetter that Saturday morning. Graveyard was born an instantly #problematic AO. From there, it seems a new AO was launched monthly. In August, Lexington became part of the newly formed F3LakeMurray Region with not-so-secret plans for Lexington to become its own region in the near future. 10 AOs later to include bootcamps, run groups, kettle bells, specialties and now some rucking, F3Lexington is now a region. #Tclaps to the hundreds of men that post weekly in Lexington. FNGs post at a steady pace and, more importantly, return at a steady pace. Leaders are emerging as evidenced by the Q schedule being littered with VQs. While our mission is being fulfilled, we still have a lot of work to do.

The New Year presents us with a tremendous opportunity. There are still thousands of #SadClowns that we have not reached. Some of those actually posted at a Lexington bootcamp. They posted but we did not REACH them. YHC is willing to bet 100% of them have some sort of 1stF resolution whether it’s weight loss or running a 10K. Our job is to #EH them. Once they post, our job is for them to come back.

How do we accomplish this? A NEW YEARS DAY CONVERGENCE

This convergence will be a celebration of what we’ve accomplished so far but it’s also a call to action to #EH someone. Everyone is responsible for bringing either an #FNG or someone that hasn’t posted in a while. Make an #FNG list and call them. Make a #kotters list and call them. Pick them up that morning. Knowing you’re in their driveway waiting will get them out of bed.

When: Thursday Jan 1, 2015, 7am-8am
Where: Graveyard

Here’s your goal: 116 pax. That’s 1 more than our record.

We got this.

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