• When: July 30, 2015
  • QIC: Ditto
  • The PAX: CheeseSteak, Reefer, SpeedBump, SlowPitch, Tweetsy, BlueBlocker, Waterboy, DitchWitch (FNG), FullMonty, Valdez, Floater, WireTap, LordBusiness, Gepetto, BigFoot, Eagle

Upper Body Blast

Conditions: 76 and HUMID…normal day @ the SawMill


The Thang: 

17 men came prepared, fresh out of bed, but wide eyed for pain.  Let’s mosey to the courts…

  • 25 Prayer Squats
  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Overhead Shoulder Presses
  • 20 Merkins

Brisk jog to the fields and park it….

4 Legs of Suicides w/ Merkins awaiting each finish (20/15/10/5) – Plank and wait for last man w/ each leg

Time to Indian Run Bear Crawl style…

Two lines, one time for every man

Run to school to play in the car line (maybe pray for mommy to show before closing time)….

Duck walk 20 yards – Run a lap – 10 Burpees – Plank and wait for last man

20 Dips – Run a lap – 40 LBC’s – Plank and wait for last man

Fiddle Crab Walk 20 yards – Run a lap – 10 Crab Cakes each leg – Plank and wait for last man

15 Decline Merkins (feet on bench – Run a lap – 40 LBC’s – Plank and wait for last man

Faster mosey back to home base…

Planks w/ a twist (first set w/ switch on raised arm, second set with switch on raised arm/leg)

Closing Time:

Inspiration for the day comes out of Proverbs.  “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”  Great men showed today because of discipline.  The workout is complete but God’s work is never done.  I encourage you to seek wisdom from our Father (true knowledge) and share it by living it!

Prayer for the families of Wiretap and BigFoot.  We love you guys

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