• When: 07/29/15
  • QIC: SisterWife; by way of Double Rub
  • The PAX: Noonan, Love Bug, Kim Jong, PC, Bar Code, Dry Heave, Sis

No Q, No Problem. #Amble Gets It Done.

A tweet went out last night from who we thought would be our Q (Double Rub) this morning saying that #thecoaster was on tap. As departure time was drawing near, we noticed no DR, so, YHC and Dry Heave devised a new plan. We modified #thecoaster, as we know it, to an out-n-back. And, we ran.

Conditions: Humid, again. I know it sounds like a broken record, but that’s what we got around here in July, August, and most of September. Get used to it and drink extra water.

The Thang:

  • Right onto Millwood
  • Left onto Maple
  • Right onto Lee
  • Go between MLK Park and post office, veer left onto Greene
  • Proceed up Greene (follow behind tomatoes for a 1/4 mile) until your turn around point (Henderson is the 2 mile mark)
  • Return to AO via reverse


  • DR messaged us as soon as he realized he wasn’t going to make it. He completely slept thru his alarm. Signed – DR’s Mother. Tclaps for getting out and running #sadclown, though.
  • Great work by the pax this morning on anywhere between 3 and 4 miles.
  • #Kotters to Kim Jong. KJ, the journey of a thousand miles (or 50K in your case) … oh, who cares. Keep posting though.


  • Hot Summer Nights 5K coming up this Sat. $5 discount code for registration is 5HOTK. After party at Promo’s house. Don’t worry, you won’t have to go far. He lives right there at the finish. Ain’t no party like the after party.
  • Sweet Baby-O 5K is coming up as well.
  • Hee Haw 1/2 Marathon from Chapin to Little Mountain – August 15. Leaving from Wired Goat Café in Chapin at 0600. #F3BRR training or #CSAUP just because.
  • August 29th – #Woodshed Anniversary Convergence. 0600 – #DawnStrike on a Field Trip. 0700 – Regular Convergence. I believe #coffeeteria will follow.

That is all.

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