YHC Q’d this morning’s Wall with 4.5 other faithful PAX (Stent had to leave early, due to an injury). We ran a 10 mile course at a conversational pace. The route took us to campus (through the Horseshoe), downtown (past the Sumter/Laurel bus stop), back through campus for a water stop, and then on into 5 Points, where we buzzed a big Strictly Running training group, down Woodrow until it ended at Gervais, into and all around Forest Hills, back up, up, and up Butler, and finally back to DHS. Unfortunately, the PAX got a little separated at the end, but we all ended up back home, at about the same time, and with about the same distance.
Conditions: 76 degrees, 87% humidity, clear skies
Next week we’ll converge at The Woodshed at the same time (6:00 am)