• When: 09/10/15
  • QIC: Fountainhead
  • The PAX: RA, Splinter, Chaser, ChopShop, Chubbs (FNG Allen Koon), BatBoy, Hawg, Duckie, Detour, Misfire, BooBoo, Sweetness, McNugget & F'head

Suicide Sets

You’d think we’d run more on a day so many guys are headed to the hills.  Nah, running just eats the clock.  Instead Hammer guys ate up 45 minutes of paver work with a few sprints mixed in just to let the hands relax.  It was nice.  Like this:

Conditions:  76 Degrees, 84% Humidity


Mosey to the field for for some warming up to include:

  • SSH X 25 4CT IC
  • Mountain Climbers  X 25 4CT IC
  • Merkins  X 12 4CT IC
  • Squats  X 25 4CT IC
  • LBC’s  X 25 4CT IC

Then on to the main event… grab a pair of #HammerPavers and rally to the tennis courts.

Circuit Set 1 – 4 sets of these three paver improved exercises with the final set leading straight into a suicide sprint across the tennis courts.

  • Overhead Press X 25
  • Lunges X 25 (each leg)
  • Big Boy Situps X 25 (tailbone conditioning exercise)

Circuit Set 2 – 4 sets again wrapping up the 4th set with a suicide across the courts:

  • Speed Curls X 25 (each arm)
  • Squats X 25
  • Russian Twists X 25 (each side)

Circuit Set 3 – 3 sets of the following with a closing suicide before replacing the pavers in the wooded cubby.

  • Lat Fly’s X 25
  • Calf Raises X 25
  • Iron Cross X 25

Once the #HammerPavers were tucked away, Chaser and then YHC closed out the morning with some Mary:

  • Flutter Kicks X 40 4CT IC
  • Hello Dolly’s X 20 4CT IC




  • Apparently Hammer has some tailbone issues…  work was done to improve those callouses today.  Tennis Courts are like sandpaper to the uninitiated.
  • Welcome Chubbs!  Our FNG this morning was hiding out and didn’t get noticed until the final BOM.  ‘Call that a failing on my part.  At least I recited, word for word, the disclaimer before we did anything stupid.  Strong work and welcome.
  • Say a word of prayer tonight and in the coming days for our brothers running the BRR.  It’s truly #CSAUP.  Pray for safety.  Pray for endurance.  Pray no one gets stopped by malnourished mountain men playing banjo’s and looking for a good time.


  • Mud Run Signup is extremely imminent.  Do it.
  • Salsarita’s 2nd F lunch today.  ‘Man’s gotta eat.
  • Battle and Freed To Lead shirt sales are peaking.  Deadline, like the Mud Run, is coming up fast.  Get your gear on by way of the MudGear link above.

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