• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Red Pill ONB

AO: stumble
Q: Serena
PAX: HolyPoker, TapeWorm
FNGs: None
WARMUP: jockeying for cover under Poker’s car hatch
THE THANG: Beltline ONB for Poker and YHC, Tape (as always) did his own thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lexington 10yr Anniversary this Sat.
COT: End of all war and conflict. Passing of Ned and continued healing and recovery of Char.

YHC is grateful to Poker and Tape for showing up. Respect to us old farts choosing to overcome comfort. Nothing special about today except choice to do what our brains and most people would say is atypical. Let’s all continue to push the rock.

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