• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Notta Nother Tabata

AO: Sawmill
Q: Flapper
PAX: Gepetto, Flapper, Full Metal Jacket, Goodspeed, Rudder, SKAT
FNGs: None
Mosey to cheese grater
10 SSH
10 LBAC each way
10 TTT
10 windmill
10 EW
10 HB
10 flutters 4 count
10 copper head merkins
10 copper head squats
Grab 2 bricks and mosey to snack shack:
Tabata workout with 10 intervals of 45 second exercise 15 second rest (completed 2.6 cycles) run lap after each cycle
1. American hammer with bricks
2. Bent flys with Bricks
3. Alternating bulgarian split lunges with legs on bench with bricks
4. Dips
5. Tricep extension with bricks
6. Decline plank
7. Gas pumpers bricks up
8. Alternating toe taps on the picnic table benches with bricks
9. Calf raises
10. Wall sit with bricks
Mosey back to AO to put up bricks (complete)

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: congrats to Gepetto and Goodspeed for the longest day challenge; pray for Rudders’s family member that had back surgery complications
COT: with God’s help, keep pushing to be the best version of yourself

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