• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Three Bagger

AO: Sandlot
Q: Runt
PAX: Two Gloves, Ruby, Runt
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, TTT, squats, LBACs, 5 burpees

12 minute Tabata 40 seconds on 20 seconds off
3 rounds rinse and repeat
Should tap planks
Star crunches
Chess press
Lunge, lunge, square

3 rounds in parking lot
Murder bunnies 7 man makers
Red rum 7 Chicago sit ups
Murder bunnies 5 man makers
Red rum 5 Chicago sit ups
Murder bunnies 3 man makers
Red rum 3 Chicago sit ups

1 round Tabata 40 seconds on 20 seconds off
Plank side to side hops

Closed with 10 burpees for bayou and family
3 froggers burpees
3 to lank jack burpees
4 4×4 burpees

F3 Valhalla convergence end of the month

Execute- actions speak louder than our plans

F3 Sandlot asking and encouraging Pax to contribute to meal funding to support @Bayou and family during recovery.
We are asking Bayou to share meal preferences and we will execute and communicate plans following March 18 boot camp.

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