• When: 08/15/15
  • QIC: Ditto
  • The PAX: HotTub, Valdez, Reefer, Bigfoot, LordBusiness, Purple Pappy, SpeedBump, Waterboy, Gepetto, CheeseSteak

Rosie & James


Conditions: 70 and clear @ the SawMill


The Thang: 

11 men showed for a Saturday meeting.  Little did they know we would crawl away with 2 new friends.  Let’s mosey to the courts…

25 Prayer Squats

Wave of Merkins (to 10 w/ plank on hold)

Whole Lotta Rosie

  • 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 42 LBC’s
  • 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 39 Double Tap Twist Crunch
  • 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 56 Flutters

Webbicides (Suicides & Merkins to 10)

Whole Lotta Rosie for Second Time

Brisk jog to the fields and park it….

Lunge Walk parking lot

Jog to picnic tables

  • 10 Burpees
  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 Dips
  • 25 Merkins

Rinse and Repeat w/ one man staying true to his word (More burpees)

Run to school to play in the car line

CrabWalk 40 yards – Run a lap

BearCrawl 40 yards – Run a lap

Fiddle CrabWalk 40 yards – Run a lap

Note: (More burpees for my man HotTub w/ a small assist from the PAX)

Faster mosey back to The Wall…

Wall of Fire – People’s Chair held while 1st of 3 groups went for:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 LBC’s
  • 10 Burpees

Note to self:  PAX are not happy if you try to go past 7:30

Closing Time:

Inspiration for the day comes out of James.  Half brother of Jesus, James showed that all men can get a second chance.  Love you James….See you later Rosie

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