Q: Swingline
PAX: Bemis, clickbait, Easy Street, SweetTart, Shocker
FNGs: None
The ninjas amassed in the Rogue. Easy was so excited for today’s mission that he showed up early (beating the Q). He exuberantly proclaimed “time to storm the Castle.” The ninjas awaited the arrival of Winston the HC’er. He was nowhere to be found, must still be doing those pre-miles. The ninjas are blessed with a break in the weather, a sign from the gods that their mission is bound to be successful . Plus Shocker confirmed again that the guard really doesn’t care if we run in. The mission plan was provided to the giant horde of six and they embarked into the gloom.
On the way to the Castle, two of the ninjas faced their first test – Sushi Sprint. Swingline and Sweettart took off and jokeyed for the crown. Swingline set the pace with Sweettart lurking behind, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike. The ninjas dodged traffic and puddles as they sprinted for sushi. As the end neared, Sweettart saw his chance and overtook Swingline for the crown. As the two ninjas caught their breath waiting for the rest, it became clear to Swingline that Sweettart bamboozled him by hyping a so-called “injury”.
Two more ninjas appeared from under the bridge, one (Easy) was primed and ready to storm the Castle. The other Bemis went back to check on the reinforcements, resting for his upcoming half marathon battle. Easy, Sweettart and Swingline continued on with the Castle in sight.
As they approached, the gates began to close. The reality set in that they would have to find an alternate path. They came to gate and found a sliver of space that would require a small climb. For the vertically challenged ninja, it was more of a large climb. With a confident approach and no hesitation, they did their best to make it appear to the guard that they belong. They were in!
The ninjas enter the magical kingdom of the Castle. They run down the freshly paved streets and gaze at the beautiful landscapers. They share stories of past long runs and trade lessons of how to overcome them.
After several miles, the ninjas depart from this magical land as conquering heroes. They continue their journey back to the AO.
At the AO, they gather with the reinforcements and trade announcements and prayer requests quickly before the rain comes. They gather at the local establishment that provides the dark nectar of the gods that is coffee. Trading stories of their heroism as Sweettart places the crown on his head.
Thursday 1/11 – Rogue AOQ handoff
Saturday 1/13 – Tom Tom Foolery
Prayers for Bemis family Jekyl Island run and upcoming storm