With the last minute Injured Reserve status of today’s scheduled VQ (Blue Blocker–Get the back healed up and back out in the gloom), YHC took the helm and delivered a ground hog repeat of a couple Saturday’s ago. Good thing only Eagle and YHC were present on both occasions.
Conditions: Might have been the muggiest conditions EVER….79 degrees, 100% humidity, 77 degree dew point. Nasty
The Thang:
Disclaimer for everyone and the two new FNG’s. 1-1/2 lap around the rec center. Circle up in the side parking lot.
15 IC 4ct. TTT
50 IC 4ct. SSH
30 IC 4ct. LBC’s
20 IC 4ct. LAC-Forward
20 IC 4ct. LAC-Reverse
Mosey to the Tennis Courts:
Modified Ark Loader: Everyone line up on the side line of one of the courts. Starting at side line perform the following:(End line, center line, end line, center line, end line)
Round 1 – Bear Crawl to center court line (5x Carolina Dry Dock), Bear Crawl to other end line (5x CDD), Bear Crawl back to center line (5x CDD), Bear Crawl back to original starting end line (5x CDD)
Round 2 – Crab Walk w/ 10x Big Boys at each stop
Round 3- Lunge walk w/ 10x Squats at each stop
Round 4- Inch worm w/ 10x Merkins at each stop
Mosey to YHC’s car and retrieve new #Sawmill Bricks:
Grab two bricks and head over to the long field. Only used about 1/4 of the long field (about 60-70 yards x 40 yards wide).
Four Corners–All With Bricks:
Run lenght wise to each corner / Karaoke width wise
Round one:
1st. Corner- 20 Curls for the Girls
2nd Corner- 20 curls, 30 triceps ext
3rd Corner- 20 curls, 30 triceps ext, 40 shoulder press
4th corner- 20 curls, 30 triceps ext, 40 shoulder press, 50 bent over rows
Round two:
1st corner- 20 flutter kicks
2nd corner- 20 flutter kicks, 30 LBC
3rd corner- 20 flutter kicks, 30 LBC, 40 Freddie Mercuries
4th corner- 20 flutter kicks, 30 LBC, 40 Freddie Mercuries, 50 Russian twist
Round three:
Run to first corner w/ bricks (5x Burpees)
Run back to 4th corner w/ bricks (10x Burpees)
Timed out.
COT/BOM: Reefer
F3 Dads is this Friday at Brickpile (Downtown-Dreher HS) 7:00am if you and your 2.0’s can attend