• When: 09/10/2015
  • QIC: Honey Do
  • The PAX: Two Gloves , Hamm, Reefer , Hatter , FMJ , Meso , Honey DO


7 Pax showed up in the Gloom beat down by Honey Do!!

No COP: Let’s get to work!!!

Bear Crawl or Crap Walk around bldg…

25 Burpees OYO

50 Mt Climber / IC

75 Squats / OYO

50 / SSH IC

Mosey to Blocks:

100  / Block Press

50 / Shoulder Press

Partner up:

50(total)  Merkins/ Block on back …Then run 50 yrds w / block

25 Each /  V Ups / Run 50 yrds w/ Block

25/ Russian Twist w /a Twist…Sit back to back,pass block back and fourth ..Run 50 yrds

6in Holds w / Block 5sec,5sec,10 sec

Mosey to Tennis Court: Cardio time

3 Stop Suicide,After each stop do 25/ Chaser LBC..75 Total

Rinse and Repeat w /  Squats….75 Total

Rinse and Repeat w  /  Air press

Run Both Tennis Courts ,at each Corner to 15,10,5…Burpees

Tri-cep Holds…Climb Fence and Hold 20 Sec

Mosey to Wall:

Squats Holds on Wall  / 20 Sec

R&R….With Air Press


Great Job by Pax!!

Updates: Check F3 Website for details

#Sawmill & #Sandlot Run Groups Starting Next Week ,look for Details.

Sign up on Q calendar!



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