Some months ago the pax of SCORE decided to ditch Saturday workouts in favor of Mondays in the gloom. It seemed that the numbers supported the move. Yet, with a determination among the guys to make the SCORE workout one of the best in town, we now have Monday workouts bringing in record numbers AND have had Saturday workouts almost every week as well for 4 days a week. Not too shabby.
Conditions: NICE…and wet
The Thang:
COP with Brickpile – IC
Imperial Walkers x 25
High Knees x 25
Merkins x 25
Squats x 20
SSH x 25
SCORE breaks from Brickpile, mosey to the wall and pair off
1 guy wall sits while other sprints across the field – 5 burpees
Switch and reduce by one burpee each rotation
Mosey to football field and collect a tire and a log
Using half the football field, establish 4 corners of pain
1) Merkin sets – wide, regular, diamond x 10 each
2) Leg set – squat, jump lunge, flutter kicks x 10 each leg/set
3) Ab set – BBS, windshield wipers, V-ups x 10 each
4) 8 count body builders x 10
On two sides, sprint between corners
One side – flip log across field
One side – flip tractor tire across field
Pair off and rotate around corners going opposite directions
Made ~3 times around
Return log and tires to cage and mosey to flag
Finish with Mary with Brickpile
COT with Brickpile
Sign up for Mud Run and Hurricane Hike
A great workout. The addition of the tires to the logs, bricks and blocks makes Brickpile an AO of endless opportunity for strength training and every one got smoked.