
Rooster previews the poultry festival 5K route

Belding: 5 pax ran the SC poultry fest 5k route! The coolness of the gloom was multiplied by 30 mph winds. Numb hands and arms were nothing for these 5 pax. These pax got better and the fartsackers missed smelling Hite’s Friday morning butts.

The Haynes Preblast

February is upon us and that means that the Rooster AO is about to turn one year old. Its time to celebrate one year of rucks, coupons, fartleks, and tempo runs. The Pax of the Rooster have established favorite routes with names like Francis Street, Chicken Strip, Bernard Mt, Lick Creek Climb, Bozard Mill Loop, …

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Rooster Ruck Workout

YHC and the other AOQ in the town of Batesburg-Leesville went back and forth last night about who would be the man to lead the men posting at Rooster in the gloom. YHC had not taken a Q since going out on injured reserve. After securing a few HCs from Pax to bring their rucks, …

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