• When: 2018-06-30
  • QIC: Cheers
  • The PAX: Cowbell, Gravedigger, Navy Bean (R), Buzzsaw (R), Coon Dog, Man Bun, Happy Trees, Ebert, Wino, Ryde Back, Breakfast Club, Moist, Popov, Dominion, Dance Mom, Cheers

Walking the Merlot Mile at Shawshank

YHC had a gout flare up this week, so why not have a block workout until it heals? A great time was had by all as we walked the Merlot Mile, which is fitting when your AO is named after a fictional jail, right? We appreciate all those that converged, especially the far west men of Smokehouse.

Conditions: Hot, humid, low 70’s

TTT x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 each way IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to blocks:
Hold block overhead and go to first light pole adjacent to picnic shelter.

Indian run with block around merlot mile

Return to starting point

Block Merlot Mile
Each PAX carry a block, fast walk to each light pole.

At LP#1: Merkins x 10
LP#2: Squats x 10
LP#3: Curls x 10

Return blocks (YHC had much more planned but underestimated how tough the Block Merlot Mile would be.)


July 4: Ryan Rawl WO at State House
July 21: Carolina Reaper
August 4: Sweet Baby O
August 25: Stomp the Swamp
12/1: Wildcat


JJ’s back
Trickle during company buyout
Buzzsaw’s back
Scotch’s dad
Our country


Open the door for Jesus when he knocks and follow His example by knocking on doors in his name. The painting “The Light of the World” by William Holman Hunt depicts Revelations 3:20. Jesus is standing outside a home with a lantern, knocking on the door. The door has no handle as Jesus stands there patiently. He does not force his way into our lives, we just have to answer his knock as he is always there. There is always a way to do Christ’s work ourselves, but we have to seek out the opportunity, being careful not to force oursleves into other’s lives.

This spoke to YHC as F3 geared up to workout with the Vet’s Home next to Shawshank’s AO. Seek out the opportunity to do Christ’s work wherever you find it and let others answer your knock. Isn’t that what F3 is all about?