• When: 07/28/15
  • QIC: Traitor
  • The PAX: Huffy, Beta Max, Sister Wife, Shamoo, Paper Boy, Gypsy, Promo, Purple Rain, Windy, Nacho, Costanza, Jenny, OC, Beads, Windmill, McLovin', Subprime, Geno, Leiderhosen, Adrienne, Insanity, Traitor

Traitor goes for 50

22 Pax showed up to welcome Traitor back from a long absence due to recent travels. This was not so much a beatdown as a test to see if the “simple” exercises could be made difficult by many, many, many repetitions. Special thanks to Windy for planting this seed.

Conditions: 70’s, humid and sprinklers going full blast

The Thang:

Circle Up
SSH x 50
Little Baby Arm Circles x 50
and reverse x 50
Merkins x 50
Imperial Walkers x 50
Freddie Mercuries x 50
Squats x 50

Mosey to edge of field

Sprints across short side of field- 50 exercises at start, middle, end, middle and back at start = 250 total for each run
Calf Raises
Squats while we wait
Air Presses x 25

Little Baby Arm Circles
Squats while we wait
Air Presses x 25

Freddie Mercury
Squats while we wait
Air Presses x 25

Imperial Walkers
Squats while we wait
Air Presses x 25

Mosey to Squares

1 minute of repeats
Step up (each leg) x 5
Dips x 5
Incline Merkin x 5

1 minute of repeats
Squats x 5
Dips x 5
Decline Merkin x 5

1 minute of repeats
Lunges (each leg) x 5
Dips x 5
Merkins x 5

People’s Chair for 1 minute

BOM: Traitor
Devo: Adrienne
Moleskin: Nice work to the pax for putting up with my 50 county experiment. It’s good to be back amongst the Pax

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