• When: 07/25/15
  • QIC: Senator
  • The PAX: Black Water, Hamm, Aquaman, Honey Do, Senator

The return of a legend

4 PAX rolled out of the #fartsack this morning, decided to take their daily #redpill and post at #sandlot.  The 4 PAX took a light job across the field to the brick pile and formed up on the tennis courts to begin the mornings workout.  Just as the PAX started to circle up for some warm-up, brother Honey Do comes jogging up, and 5 PAX we born! Great to have you back Honey Do!

The Thang:


SSH x 20 IC

Imperial Walker x 15 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Lunges x 10 IC

Big Boys x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

Air Press x 20 IC

Line up on edge of tennis court.  

Round 1: Standard Suicide Run, end with 20 Squat Thrusters w/ cinder block

Round 2: Lunge Walk Suicide to stops, run back, end with 20 over head press w/ cinder block

Round 3: Half of the PAX complete AMRAP dips b/w two cinder blocks, while the other PAX run standard suicide, then flap jack.

Each PAX grabs his cinder block and goes to a corner of the two tennis courts, one PAX in the middle of the two tennis courts.  Perform AMRAP of the designated exercise at each stop for 1 min.  Complete two full circuits.

Middle = Cinder Block Squats

Corner 1 = Decline Merkins

Corner 2 = Jump Ups

Corner 3 = Cinder Block Curls

Coner 4 = Overhead Press w/ cinder block

Last round was Burpees at each stop, starting with 1 Burpee and increasing by 1 at each Stop for a total of 15 Burpees.

Mosey back to brick pile to drop off Cinder Blocks.

Jog across field on over to Hot Tub Hill for some Indian Runs around Hot Tub Hill.

Lap 1` = 10 Merkins

Lap 2 = 20 Big boys

Lap 3 = 30 Hello Dollys

Lap 4 = 40 LBCs

Lap 5 = 50 Flutter Kicks IC

Mosey back across street for COT and BOM


Great work by all of the PAX this morning!  Keep on it, and lets all continue to get stronger and make each other better.  I noticed everyone this morning really seemed to be focusing on their form and the effort put into each rep. Good work!

Lets make it a point this week to reach out to some of the PAX who haven’t posted in a while.  Let’s encourage them to get back out.  It’s too easy to fall back into old habits and find reasons or make excuses as to why we can’t workout.  Trust me, I’m the king of it.  So again, let’s all make a genuine effort this week to reach out to these guys.  Remember, we all need this!


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