Conditions: Summer in famously hot Columbia. 79 degrees and climbing, cloudy, humidity like a sauna, no breeze.
Nine pax took the Daily Red Pill, fought off the sleepies, and braved the sauna like humidity for a Happy Trees led kettle bell workout.
Mission Impossibles x20
Seal Jacks x20
The Thang:
Proper Form Merkins x10
Sumo Squats 10x each leg
Side Plank Shoulder Press 12x each arm
Baby Makers AKA Hip Thrusters (crowd pleaser)
Standing Single Arm Press 12x each arm
Chair Press (rounds 2 and 3 only) 12x
Teapots AKA Standing Side Bends 20x each side
Proper Form Merkins x10*
Kettle Bell Crunches
Leg Drops
Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds.
*After the first round of exercises Stretch gently corrected our proper form Merkins, making them even more proper. Naturally we felt quite pleased with ourselves and much more proper than the previous proper form Merkins. 🙂 🙂
Devo by Happy Trees: I shared a moment from our GORUCK event last weekend. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing the harder thing can be rewarding.
- Form workshop, hosted by Stretch (@TyerKevin), on July 25th at 0815 at The Woodshed.
- F3 #Spur, the first ever college campus AO in F3, launches 8/22 7am at The Blatt.
- F3 Columbia Convergence set for August 29th at Woodshed starting at 0700 (along with Score and The Wall). Dawnstrike hits the Woodshed in tank tops at 0600. Will you double down?
- Preblast 2015 GORUCK Custom Challenge F3 South Carolina.
- Hump Day Happy Hour (HDHH) is every Wednesday. Boris has the Q. #2ndF
- Beer Ruck is maybe happening at some point. Stay tuned to Twitter for details. #GoodLivin’
- Follow @F3Columbia for the latest news and updates.