• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

(I get by) With a Little Help from my Friends

AO: swampfox
Q: Fountainhead , Billy Bob, McLovin
PAX: Garrett Givens, Stent, Sheets, Leprechaun, BunkBed, Kitty, Billy Bob, McLovin, Strom, Fountainhead, Krusty, BigWorm
FNGs: None
SSH X 20
American Hammers X 20
Carolina Drydock’s X 15
Mtn Climbers X 15
Freddie Mercury X 15
SSH X 20

Mosey to Citadel Park stopping twice (X2) for the following sets:
Squats X 20
Mercans X 30
LBCs X 40

BillyBob Partner Set:
AMRAP sets of 3 pull-ups while a partners runs around Citadel Park.
Mercans & Burbee AMRAP while partner runs
Lunge AMRAP while partner runs

McLovin Set:
LBCs X 20
Plankorama while each man, in haphazard order, goes down a slide and returns to the circle.
More LBCs
Plankorama while each man, in no order at all, goes down any of the four slides and returns to the circle or just leaves.

Mosey back to St. Martins stopping, again, for a pair (X2) of sets:
Squats X 20
Mercans X 30
LBCs X 40

Flutter Kicks X 20
V-Up X 15
Superman / Aquaman
BBSUs X 20

Check with Bunk Bed if you need a refresher for your fitness and 2ndF agenda over the coming three months.


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